Thursday, January 29, 2009

Well am beginning this Blog in hopes to keep some of my customers. I will be shutting down my website and e-bay store and working only for customs.

As some people might be aware of, the world of purchasing Children's custom and handmade items will be changed on February 10th due to the new Consumer Products Safety and Improvement Act to test children's items for lead.
Although great for our children, the law is so vaguely written that it will require all items that are exposed or pertained to children be lead tested. This means a very expensive test for items that we know do not contain lead or little traces of. So I, along with millions of others are protesting this law to be amended and require the manufacturer ONLY to test the items prior to me purchasing them, instead of my final bows or flip flops be individually tested.

Please help us in the fight to save our crafters by signing this petition:

Until then, continue to check my blog and website (until I take it completely down) for specials and custom items. Stock up now, you may not be able to buy later!!

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